Plodding along...

Yes. I'm plodding along on my Shapely Stripes sweater.. not that I'm not enjoying the knitting. Its so mindless that I am easily blending knitting and reading. :-) The sleeves are done and as planned, I'm knitting a hood for this sweater.. Here is the progress so far..

My upper arm looks so thin and toned,huh?! However, its far from the truth.. This being a fitted sweater, I feel like the sleeves are screaming... "LOOK HERE!! BIG FAT ARMS!!" Don't believe me?! See for yourself..

I blocked the sweater after the sleeves were done to make sure I like the length of the sleeves and the body. No point risking the length of the sweater after the button bands are done... Here is it blocking..

I hope to finish this sweater so that I can get some use out of it before the Summer sets in. What is on your needles or hooks? Share with me unless its a top-secret for-your-eyes-only project. :P


This post is linked to WIP Wednesdays hosted by Tami's Amis and Yarn Along hosted by Ginny.


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