Crafting from stash!

Yes. That's my New Year's wish! Just like any self-righteous crafter who renews the same resolution to craft from stash every New Year, I wished just the same for this year too. Which just meant a frantic shopping spree on Dec 31st! ;-) I bought lots of fabric this time to add to my stash.. My most favorite purchase is these 3 coordinating fabrics..

I didn't have any plans when I bought these fabrics..but, now I want to make a quilt for my Queen-size bed. :-) I even have a pattern in mind. I plan to make the Stripes and spots quilt from the book Quick Colorful quilts.

I think the quilt will look lovely in these fabrics..

So, I cut the fabric over the weekend and pieced the blocks. The cutting went pretty quickly with my trusty rotary cutter. Chain-piecing the blocks made it go even faster. Here are the blocks ready for more piecing.

I hope to make good progress on this and see this to completion before I lose the wind in my sails. Maybe I should add 'Seeing projects to completion' to my New Year resolution as well! If you are wondering what happened to the shapely stripes sweater I was knitting when 2011 ended, I'm glad to report that I'm done with one sleeve and have another sleeve half-done! I will post some pics of it here soon. :-)

So, whats your New Year resolution crafty or otherwise? Mine is to craft from stash and to finish projects that I start. Easier said than done,huh?!



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