Babies are fun! – part 2

Thank you all so much for the baby ensemble love. But, which baby ensemble is complete without the booties?! So, I made cloth baby booties to match the ensemble and they are so stinking cute. I’m realizing that it is so much fun making tiny items for tiny babies. Pls excuse the dim lighting in the photos. Its very cloudy and gloomy here in Bangalore.

I used this pattern to make the shoes. Just to put things into perspective, here is one shoe next to my Sony Ericsson 550i phone. ;-)

 and in my hand..

Ridiculously cute, isn't it?! Is it sad that I want to keep the booties for myself?! Now, I'm itching to meet the baby so that I can see her modeling the ensemble. :-)  Here is the entire set I've made.

I've to wait for another 3 weeks before I can meet the baby.Considering the year 2011 which flew in a blink of an eye, 3 weeks won't be that long. Don't you agree? Now that we are in the last month of year 2011, are you looking back at the year in retrospect and ruing things you did and didn't do?! At least, I am. How do you feel about year 2011? was it a good one for you, crafty and otherwise? Maybe I should write a post about year 2011 in retrospect. :-) Enjoy the last month of this year, my peeps!


This post is linked to FO Fridays and Creative Fridays.


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