Technicolor Whirlpool!

Yes. That is the latest FO in my knitterly world. Its a well established fact that I love stockinette stitch and love to knit acres of them.. so, naturally..the pattern Whippoorwill has been blipping on my radar for quite sometime and I finally took the plunge.. Its a sheer pleasure to knit this shawl..and, fun to wear too..

Although it has vast expanses of stockinette stitch, it has interesting design elements to keep it interesting to knit. The pattern is well written and a good project to learn the differences between YO and YOB. Blocking brought about a huge change in the shawl.. Here is a limp look of the shawl before blocking..

The yarn is Knit One Crochet Too Ty-Dy socks. Did I tell you that I am getting addicted to self-striping yarn?! Its very difficult to capture the true colors of this yarn..And, see the difference blocking made to the shawl.. Here is the shawl blocking on my queen size guest bed! It is HUGE!!

I the shape of this shawl.. Blocking it was easy although I was worried about how I will achieve the symmetry that I envisioned in the shawl. The shawl's shape kind of blocked by itself and for a change, I used very minimal pins for blocking. The shape of this shawl gives you fun ways to wear it..and the most boring one is like this..

And, below is a shot that was a special request from the Hubster.. A shot of the shawl on our car.. Please notice the "Live to drive" sticker on the car.. Yes. That statement defines my guy. This is a special shot because it combines both our passions.. knitting and driving! cheesy,huh?!  

Pattern: Whippoorwill by Carina Spencer
Yarn: Knit One Crochet Too Ty-Dy Socks
Needle : 4mm/US 6 and 5.5 mm/US 9 for bind off.
Started: Feb 25th,2011
Completed: March 20th,2011
Ravelry Project: Technicolor Whirlpool

I am already contemplating casting on for another Whippoorwill. I even have the yarn in mind. Crazy,huh?! So, tell me.. whats new in your crafty life?



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