Where are they now? - 2KCBWDAY4

Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.

As any other crafter, I too have made a few things for my friends and family.. scarves,bags and such. But, I rarely get back pictures of them using it. But, I remember my friend and colleague Nutan sending pics of her son wearing the cardigan I knitted for him. So, I am going to talk about it today. This cardigan is special because it was the first 'garment' that I knitted. Till then, I've only been making scarves and shawls. If you've been around my blog for sometime, you will know that I have a terrible fear of making things that has to fit. But, When Nutan gave me the news of her newborn, I decided to test the waters knitting him a cardigan. Hey! even if I err on the larger side of the cardigan, the boy can 'grow' into it. Isn't that the best thing about knitting baby things?!

Knitting this cardigan was an easy job. The pattern is Easy baby cardigan from Knitting pure and Simple.The button band is knitted along with the body and needed some intarsia skills to make it to work. It was my first time doing color-work like this and I took help from kind Ravelers for the intarsia help. The yarn is a wool-acrylic blend and it was perfect for this project. I recommend this pattern to anyone who wants to make an easy cardigan for a baby. The collar gives the cardigan a sophisticated look,doesn't it? The cardigan comes in a hooded version too. Here is the cardigan after blocking and before embellishments.

I needed buttons for this cardigan and I didn't have any on me. Remember, I had never knitted a garment before and never needed buttons for my projects. So, off I went to my craft store looking for buttons and what do I see there?! A very cute teddy-bear iron-on appliqué patch in a perfect shade to complement the cardigan. I was thrilled to find it as I thought the cardigan was too plain for a lovely baby. Of course, I got some coconut shell buttons for the cardigan.

I was thrilled to see the cardigan come along so beautifully. Of course, handmade baby things are cute in itself. So, where is the cardigan now, you may ask?! Viru must have outgrown it long time back as this was made way back in October 2009. But, his mom did send a few pics of Viru wearing the cardigan. So, here is Viru looking dangerous ;-) in his purple cardigan. Of course, you can't see his hands because Josie Aunty made the cardigan big enough for him to grow into it.

Is he angry with me for making it so BIG?! Many thanks to Nutan for sharing these pics with me and letting me share it here on my blog. Here is another snap of him looking very serious..

I blogged about this cardigan here. I do not make baby things that often and so this cardigan is very special to me. In fact, I've only knitted a hat and a blanket for Alvin,my son. But, I don't regret it either. I am a process knitter and not a product knitter. So, I might make him something when the whim strikes me.. Till then, he will have to wait. :-)

Note: I am thoroughly enjoying this blog week event and thrilled with the visits and comments I am receiving on my blog. I would like to thank all those who have dropped by into my virtual world. I am a bit behind in catching up with all your comments and I will get to it as soon as I can.



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