Riot of colors!

Here is a sneak-peak at my WIPs  this week.. of course, all of them are spinning WIPs. I've been procrastinating on a test-knit scarf. Its a lace scarf that needs more concentration than I can muster after a tiring day at work, with a pre-schooler interrupting me every 5 mins. I hope to get cracking on it soon.. Meanwhile, I am finding how easy and stress-free spinning is.. now, look at the pretties on my spindles..

The green and gray ones are my BFL from woolgatherings. The white fiber is a merino sample and the pink one is again BFL, both came with my spindles from Babknits @ Etsy. I am going to learn how to navajo-ply with the pink singles. I am done with spinning the pink BFL and will attempt navajo-plying tonight. Can't wait to get off work today.

What are you working on these days? I have 2 more spindles coming my way. This is becoming a serious addiction, but who is complaining?!  So, tell me what are you obsessed with these days? I promise I'll keep it a secret! :P


This post is linked to WIP Wednesdays by Tami's Amis.


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