
Even though the tip to Yercaud was an unplanned one , I had a knitwear completed in time for use there.. I've been knitting a hat for myself since February in between other projects and finally finished it 3 days before the trip.. right on time! Its a straightforward plain-Jane hat recipe called sockhead with 2 X 2 ribbing for 4 inches, stockinette stitches for the next 9 inches and decreases for the crown..

The yarn is a mystery yarn bought from a Raveler. The only thing I know about this yarn is its fingering(sock) weight and it has bamboo content in it. So, I went hunting for adult hat patterns in sock weight yarn. I zeroed in on this sockhead pattern mainly because of the stockinette stitch. I knitted this hat on DPNs and it made for a perfect TV knitting project. I watched many episodes of Castle while knitting this. ;-)

My nephew who came with us liked the hat and has asked me to knit one for him. I was very touched. I will start hunting for patterns for hats that will fit a child.. so, I see more hat-knitting in the future. :-) As I told you in my previous post, here are a few more pics of the flowers I clicked.. Here is a lily bud that I saw outside out hotel on the first day of our stay..

And, lo! the next day, it was in full bloom!

I was thrilled to see the flower in bloom. Simple pleasures,huh?! And, then I spotted this Crown of thorns also known as the Christ's thorn, in the wild.

So now, I am officially addicted to photographing flowers..preferably in the wild. I have to let you all know that I am very bad not so good at identifying flowers. I think I can spot a rose, lotus, hibiscus, a dahlia , fuschia  and lillies if I see them. Maybe, a few more flowers.. But, otherwise, I depend on Google Image search! ;-) So, if I am naming the flowers wrong or if you know another name for them, please feel free to let me know.. :-)

I am linking this post to FO Friday by Tami's Amis. Click on the image below to see more FOs on a Friday.



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