My craft table guardian!

I would like to introduce you to a cute fella who hangs out in my sewing room. He was a gift from my cousin, B to my son Alvin. But, I fell in love with this guy and I've cheekily sneaked him from Alvin and made him my sewing room mascot. He brings up a smile on my face every time I see him. He kinda reminds me of a Mafia boss like the kind you see on TV. (No! I haven't seen a Mafia boss in real life nor do I want to meet one!)

He does look menacing, doesn't he?! As if he is gonna hurt you if you touch anything on my sewing table.. Alvin and I are always fighting over whose doggie he is.. ;-) I am having a tough time finding a good name for him. I want a good Mafia name for him.. but, nothing strikes me! Here he is, sitting along with my diagonal stripes quilt blocks.

So, all you dear readers have the fun task of finding a name for him.. The only criteria is it should sound like a Mafia name. Suggest some name for this cute guy! Of course, you can use fun Mafia Name generator like this : Generate your Mafia Name!

This post is linked to Creative Spaces by Kootoyoo. Go here to see more creative spaces!



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