Minimalist WIP!

First off, confession time!! I haven't knit a single stitch for the past 3 weeks and that is a first for me.. The reason being an unusually hectic phase at work leaving me with no crafty mojo. So, what does one do to bring back the mojo? Browse though the inspiring patterns and projects on Ravelry, of course! and, then WHAMMM! I got my mojo back and guess what I wanted to make immediately! A cardigan for myself!! Yes. That's right. An adult garment..

 If you have been around my blog for a while, you'll know about my fear of knitting garments.. my first and only adult sweater has been hibernating since forever.. but, that didn't stop me from wanting to knit a cardigan.. So, I frogged the one I had on needles and decided to make a fresh new start.. The pattern I've chosen is the classy Minimalist Cardigan from Interweave Press. Its a bottom up knitted cardigan and I am done with the ribbing already after a few hours of knitting  last night. I hope this one crosses the finish line soon! Here is the progress till now..

I am knitting the body in one piece as opposed to knitting the front and back pieces separately and then seaming them. I am following the modifications done by a few Ravelers. Also, I conquered the Russian Join for joining ends of yarns in this project.. I followed this tutorial and, it was an easy-peasy affair.

and, here is my Russian-joined yarn.. Its not perfect but, it'll get better over time, I'm sure.

I hope to keep the momentum going and finish this cardigan soon. This post is linked to WIP Wednesdays hosted by Tami's Amis. Go here or click on the image below to see more WIPs on a Wednesday.



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