Different Lines!

Yes. That's my latest WIP to be added to the gazillion other things already in progress. Different Lines is a scarf pattern by Veera Valimaki. This pattern caught my eye because of its unusual shape and the endless color possibilities. I'm not a big fan of garter stitch. In fact, I prefer stockinette stitch to garter stitch. But, this pattern had so much 'ooomph' in it that I decided to set aside my feelings for garter stitch. ;-)

The pattern is addictive. Its more a recipe than a pattern and you don't need the pattern paper always with you to remind you where you are in the pattern. Its that easily memorized. I love patterns like that which give me the independence from the pattern itself. That is why I call them recipes. If you know what I mean! I am not sure if the yarn color combination is great but, I am happy with the results so far. The yarn is Shibui Knits Sock. The main color is the gorgeous brown and the contrast is a variegated in pastel colors(not really my favorite combination).

This is an un-put-downable pattern and its very addictive to knit. I hope to see it to completion soon. This post is part of the WIP Wednesday hosted by Tami's Amis. To see more WIPs on a Wednesday, go here or click the image below.



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