Paper flowers!

I love stationery! When I go to a stationery shop, I go berserk..I behave like a child that entered a fair..with loads of cash.So, the most recent visit to the hobby section at Staples was very..ahem.. interesting expensive. I saw some quilling supplies and I had to buy one each of all the varieties they had there. ;-)  I did end up with two quilling pens of the same type..but, hey..I am not complaining. Where did I hear about Quilling,you may ask? My first encounter with a quilled item was when I met a RavFriend's daughter,Varsha who had made a greeting card with quilled flowers and it was love at first sight for me. Since then, I've been on the lookout for quilling supplies and you can imagine my excitement when I saw them at Staples. So, I got busy with what I had brought home which included a beginner's quilling kit with supplies and instructions. Here is the first thing I made :

It is a box with a quilled decoupage and I am happy with how it came out although it looks nowhere close to the one showed on the kit. The paper cut-out to make the box also came with the kit. Here is a full picture of the box with the decoupage on it.

Then I decided to make some flowers and leaves. It is true when they say Practice makes things perfect and it is so true when it comes to crafts. I made 3 flowers and you can tell the difference in them as I made each one. The first one was a very crappy attempt at making petals. Here is it:

The second one was better than the first one. Here is it..

So, obviously my third attempt was way better than the first one. I like this the best..

Here is the entire bunch of flowers and leaves that I made and you can see how pitiful the lavender colored flower is. I haven't decided how to arrange them yet. Maybe I will stick them on card stock and make a greeting card out of 'em. So, you can see more quilled FOs in the future. Anyone else out there who do quilling? Please share your work.. Let me know your blog links.. I would love to see what you make. :-)

 Also, this year, me and my Hubster have decided agreed ( ;-) ) to give each other a handmade gift for Christmas/New Year and to make an annual tradition out of it. I hope he is working on it.. ;-) I will know it only on Christmas day.Do you think I should remind him of it to save myself from a possible disappointment on Christmas Day? He is not the most artsy-crafty man around the block, I must say. ;-)

 Do not forget the scarf pattern giveaway that is going on my blog. Here is the post with more info : Lost in transit pattern giveaway. You have time till Dec 20th to enter the giveaway. Also, I was told that the Disney character that I had embroidered as mentioned in the previous post is Snow White and not Cinderella. So, many apologies to Ms. Snow White... ;-)



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