After a while...

After a while you learn...
The subtle difference between
Holding a hand and chaining a soul..

That love doesn't mean leaning..
And company doesn't always mean security..
And,you begin to learn..

That kisses aren't contracts
And gifts aren't promises..
And, you begin to accept your defeats..
With your head up and your eyes ahead..
And you learn..

To build all your roads on today
As tomorrow's ground is..
Too uncertain for plans..
And,future has a way of falling down
In mid-flight..

After a while you learn
That even sunshine burns..
You plant your own garden
And decorate your own soul
Instead of waiting for someone..
To bring you flowers..

And,you learn..
And,you learn..
with every good-bye,you learn..

                                           -Veronica A. Shoffstall


I came across this in a magazine somewhere and had written it down in my journal.. This poem makes a lot of sense to me when I think of all the people I let go knowingly and unknowingly. It also reminded me that not getting who or what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck!!! I know I am being cryptic..but, these words got me through a lot of turbulent days years ago.

Since I didn't have anything crafty to update, I thought of sharing it with you guys.



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