Pinks and Blues Table Runner.

I've caught the sewing bug again and I am enjoying it. This time, I am sewing for my home. I've been looking for small home decor projects to make and its fun to make things for your house to make it your home. The added advantage is that there is no real pressure to finish these items. So, after last week's pillow covers, I made a table runner this week and I am in love with it. Thank you to all those who commented on the pillow covers in my previous post.

The idea to make a table runner came when I came across the Petits Fours pattern from ModaBakeShop. I did not follow it exactly but referred to it heavily for the idea. I was using a store-brought place mat on the table and, I was bored with it. So, this seemed like a perfect home decor project for this week.

The fabrics are from my stash. I have too many pinks and blues in my fabric stash. In fact, I want to exhaust my entire stash before I go fabric shopping again.(hey..I can dream,right?!) I've decided to make more patchwork projects to use up my stash fabrics. I am thinking of making covers for my dining chairs in the same color theme.Here is the backing. I used the backing fabric for the binding as well as I liked the contrast it provided in the front of the table runner. I used flannel for the batting and did some simple quilting following the seams of the patchwork squares.

I am so in love with the table runner that I don't want to use it on my dining table lest a few drops of a spicy curry will stain it and ruin the loveliness. Am I weird for not wanting to use it?! I am thinking a transparent vinyl cover on top of the dining table will save the day, if I want to use the table runner. I see many more handmade table runners in the future. They are easy to make and you can try out many quilting techniques in a small scale on them.


Its perfect for my dining table and I did NOT use it when I had guests over yesterday. :D I need to grow up,eh?! My knitting is hibernating with all this sewing and quilting. My first adult cardigan that I talked about here is hibernating. I see it every day in its WIP box and I think to myself, "Some day, I will finish it." I hope the someday comes soon enough. So, I have a question for those who dabble in many crafts.. How do you manage time among your various hobbies? Do you feel guilty that you neglect a hobby and feel partial to another? I am having serious guilt regarding my knitting and embroidery 'cos I have about 3 WIPs(Work-In-Progress) in knitting and have an embroidery pattern ready for few pillow covers. Leave your thoughts and ideas on this in the comments section. I would love to hear from my fellow multi-crafters. (Is there even a word like that??)



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