Bento Pillows!

I had a lovely reunion with my sewing machine last evening after what felt like ages. I made pillow covers as usual to ease my way into sewing again. I had made a few Bento Box quilt blocks a while back when I was at the peak of my sewing bug and had left them languishing in my craft closet. I wanted to make a Bento box quilt but, it seemed like a huge project for my fickle mind. So, I chucked the idea and eventually forgot about the quilt blocks. I encountered the blocks during the Great Craft Room Clean-up of 2011 that happened last week and decided to make pillow covers for my couch pillows. The pillows had only one set of covers that I had made a year back.. So, another set seemed like a good idea..and, here is the outcome of the sewing session.

 I love the cheerful colors in the fabrics. All the fabrics are from my stash. It took me 3 hours to complete the four pillow covers with zillion interruptions from Alvin. Here are the pillows in my living room couch. We've been having these cane sofa set for more than 5 years now and I've been wanting to upgrade them to a better one..but, definitely in cane.

I love how the 4 covers are random. No two pillow covers match and I had fun jumbling the blocks together. I had used the tutorial by Ashey from  Film in the  fridge to make the Bento box quilt blocks. Here are a few close-ups of the pillows. Next on my TO-DO list is the sofa cushion covers that is seen in the picture above. They have been the only set since more than 2 years and its high time I make another set for the cushions. I plan to make the cushion covers from an old bed sheet.

All this crafting was motivated by the Great Craft Room Clean-up of 2011! My craft room has been a mess ever since we moved into this house in November 2010. I've been procrastinating the clean-up and was adding to the mess by the day.  Then I came across the Clean Sweep thread in the Quilters Forum on Ravelry and decided to participate in it. The rules are simple.. Click a 'Before' picture of your craft room/area before the clean-up..  Clean the place up.. and Click the 'After' picture after the hard work and post both the snaps on the forum thread. I did the clean-up and boy! Am I glad or wat?! I feel a lightness every time I enter the room now. The previous clutter never made me want to work on anything in that room but, this feels great and I feel all energetic to tackle any project that will come my way.. So, without much ado, here are the "Before" and "After" pictures. I don't think I need to explain which one is which.


So, how have you started your year 2011? Mine is off to a great start and I hope it stays the same.. Hope yours is lovely too.

Also, I am entering the Bento pillows into the Blogger's Pillow Party contest that Rachel at Stitched in Color is hosting.  Check it out!



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